Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bring my husband / wife along to stay at Ranch A Lodge?

We currently are not able to accommodate a non-participant friend / family member to the workshop at Ranch A Lodge.

Should I get travel insurance?

For more information:

Allianz Travel Insurance: Best for Comprehensive Coverage

GeoBlue: Best for International Travel Medical Coverage

AIG Travel Guard:  Best Optional Coverages

What if I only have one lens or an outdated camera, should I buy new gear or rent? or

These are great options to trial gear, or upgrade for an event without breaking the bank buying new gear.  Rent the desired gear, shipped to you, use, and then mail back after your trip.

Can I get a single room?

At this time, we are limited on room space and not able to accommodate for single occupancy rooms.  The Lodge is set up as a “camp bunk house” style room arrangement.  Each room has three bunk beds, and we plan to accommodate up to three attendees per room.  THE EXPERIENCE is what grows fond memories.

What if I don’t understand manual mode or all of my camera settings?

I will take time to explain the basics, and have reference material available.  We will be able to do “on set” critique of images in real time, to make adjustments ensuring you don’t miss the shot!

Can I ride a horse while at Ranch A?

There are not any horse trail rides available during this workshop, but if interested, there are several trail ride venues available throughout the Black Hills that can be incorporated in your travel plans.

Is there cell service at Ranch A?

Most cell service is poor to spotty throughout the Sand Creek canyon to the Ranch A Lodge.  While within the lodge there is Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi enabled calling available.

Where is the nearest hospital?

The closest hospital is in Spearfish, SD; Monument Hospital @ (605) 644-4000.

Are pets allowed?

Pets are not allowed due to the nature of our schedule and accommodations.

Can I submit images I capture at this workshop for photo contests or publications, or offer for sale?

Each attendee receives a model release and use waiver.  This workshop as a creative production is the intellectual property of Jodie Baxendale.  The sets, models, styling etc., are curated and presented by Jodie Baxendale for you to learn and practice skills, and obtain captures for your portfolio.  Images created at this workshop are for your portfolio, publications and sales; with the expressed understanding: “image obtained at The JodieB Experience”.